Personally I haven't read a new release in the Erotic Genre in over a year. I might write... But I am a huge reader also. I love and enjoy every genre, hell I even love Christian Western Romance. But when the main female heroine is stolen from her life, raped, beaten, then sold... Does she run when she gets the chance in these books. No. She falls in LOVE with the person beating and raping her. What does this say about females that actually support this?
Is it okay to LOVE a RAPIST?
Is it okay to kidnap and beat a person then SALE them like CATTLE?
I adored 50 Shades of Grey. Not for the main female character. But I loved reading and watching the male lead in the book grow into someone decent and worth loving. Was he a sadistic bastard in the first book? Yes, but the weak female stood her ground and dumped his ass making him WANT to change...
There is a decided difference between that and what is being sold now. It is like the genre has morphed into what most people are arrested for keeping on their computers.
Rape is NOT okay.
Beating a FEMALE is not OKAY.
Kidnapping anyone is NOT okay.
If you enjoy this shit then you are seriously some sick people. Just saying! xo